Here you’ll find some of my writings on topics like Factor Five, Climate, Globalization and Democracy, as well as various public appearances.
Feel free to contact me for questions or inquiries.
I rarely get around to publishing new posts. So please don’t be surprised if this page is only sparsely populated.
Additional texts in German can be found on my German website.
A video of my presentation at the DEBEST event 2023 (Digital Ecosystems, Blockchain Evolution, and Sustainable Transformation) is online available: Link to Youtube more…
On 16 March, I had a one-hour dialogue with Prof. Vandana Shiva from India – organised by Dr. Alfred Strigl (Vienna) and Alexandra Wandel (Director of the World Future Council). The conversation took place at the 7th Pioneers of Change Online Summit, and was themed “Future Visions & System Change – WHERE TO?”. A recording […] more…
On May 29th 2021, the 6th and 7th Peter-Singer Award Ceremony took place and it was my honor to give a speech dedicated to Maneka Gandhi, who was awarded the 6th Peter Singer Prize for contributions towards animal rights and welfare. more…
Joe Fensterle, Professor at the HSRW in Kleve, talks to Prof. Dr. Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker about climate change and sustainability, the Wuppertal Institute, science communication, tradable CO2 budgets, and how important initiatives like FridaysForFuture are. more…
The 80th Anniversary Symposium of Chubu University in collaboration with the Japanese Association of the Club of Rome took place on October 14, 2020. World class professors were invited, including a passionate Chancellor IIyoshi and 6 full- and 2 honorary- members of the Club of Rome, including Ernst Ulrich v. Weizsäcker as keynote speaker, Tomoyo […] more…
On the occasion of the 75th birthday of Prof. Dr. Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker on June 25, 2014, the following book has been published in English: Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker (Ed.): Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker: A Pioneer on Environmental, Climate and Energy Policies – Presented by Uwe Schneidewind, Pioneers in Science and Practice, vol. 28 […] more…
Knapp drei Jahre nach Erstveröffentlichung wird “Factor Five” nun ab Ende März auch auf Japanisch und Französisch erhältlich sein. more…
The Swiss Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute came up with a new ranking of global thought leaders using infosphere parameters. An initial selection of over 200 thinkers from all disciplines and from throughout the world were measured in terms of their influence, centrality and networking in two different environments: the blogosphere and the Wikisphere. The influence was […] more…
At the end of January I had the honour of being invited by the United Nations Association of Germany to give a short speech at a dinner with the Secretary-General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon in Berlin. more…
As a member of the Board of Trustees of the European Environment Foundation I will take part in the second convention of international environmental laureates from March 14–17, 2013 in Freiburg. more…