Category Archives: Sustainability

Dialogue with Vandana Shiva at the Pioneers of Change Summit

On 16 March, I had a one-hour dialogue with Prof. Vandana Shiva from India – organised by Dr. Alfred Strigl (Vienna) and Alexandra Wandel (Director of the World Future Council). The conversation took place at the 7th Pioneers of Change Online Summit, and was themed “Future Visions & System Change – WHERE TO?”. A recording […] more…

The ProfsCast – Lectures For Future Edition

Joe Fensterle, Professor at the HSRW in Kleve, talks to Prof. Dr. Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker about climate change and sustainability, the Wuppertal Institute, science communication, tradable CO2 budgets, and how important initiatives like FridaysForFuture are. more…

Publication: “Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker: A Pioneer on Environmental, Climate and Energy Policies”

On the occasion of the 75th birthday of Prof. Dr. Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker on June 25, 2014, the following book has been published in English: Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker (Ed.): Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker: A Pioneer on Environmental, Climate and Energy Policies – Presented by Uwe Schneidewind, Pioneers in Science and Practice, vol. 28 […] more…

Circular Economy, Cascade Use and Efficiency as Pillars of a Factor Five World

Here are the slides of my talk on “Circular Economy, Cascade Use and Efficiency as Pillars of a Factor Five World“ at the LCM 2011 – Towards Life Cycle Sustainability Management, on August 28–31 at the dahlem cube in Berlin. more…

Sustaining Our Environment to Promote Our Development

The World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) is the third event in a row. The first was the UN Conference on the Human Environment, Stockholm, 1972. In its wake, the UN Environment Programme, UNEP, was founded in Nairobi, and some UN agencies made some moves towards an ecological significance of their programmes. more…

The Decarbonization Challenge — U.S. and European Perspectives

This piece was written by a European and an American both deeply engaged in efforts to moderate global warming. We give a perspective on the present situation regarding climate change in Europe; a parallel perspective on the situation in the U.S.; and then close with a series of recommendations and policy opportunities. more…