Tag Archives: Environmental Consumption

“There Is a Need for Globally Valid Rules for Business!”

The subtitle of the report of the World Commission for the Social Dimension of Globalization, which you were involved in, is “Creating opportunities for all”. It also mentions the role of companies and of the UN Global Compact, which Bosch also joined in 2004. more…

On Environment and Factor Four

We all agree that a lot more economic wealth is needed for six billion people let alone nine billion people that we expect to live on earth by the mid of the century. Doubling wealth is the least, I suggest, what we should aim at. On the other hand, we are already now overexploiting the earth. It is fair to say that we should reduce the consumption of natural resources by roughly a factor of two. more…

Sustaining Our Environment to Promote Our Development

The World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) is the third event in a row. The first was the UN Conference on the Human Environment, Stockholm, 1972. In its wake, the UN Environment Programme, UNEP, was founded in Nairobi, and some UN agencies made some moves towards an ecological significance of their programmes. more…