September 01: Bonn, Jugendherberge Bonn, Haager Weg 42 Youth Future Conference
3:00 pm: Talk “Zustand der Umwelt und Klima – Vorbildrolle und Verantwortung Europas”
September 03: Geneva
Earth Dialogues Conference
9:30 am: Talk in Panel 2 “Realising the Opportunities of a World in Transformation”
September 04: Montreux, Grand Hôtel Suisse-Majestic, Avenue des Alpes 45
3rd Global Networking Conference on Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP)
8:30 am: Keynote
June 5: Brussels, The Egg Conference Centre, Rue Bara 175
Green Week 2013
Lecture in Session 5.2. “Decoupling economic growth from air pollution and climate change”
June 12: Salzburg, Heffterhof, Maria Cebotari Straße 1-7
Conference “Sustainability and Resource Efficiency”
Lecture “Factor 5”
June 12: St. Pölten
Evening Event Trends2030
June 17: Brussels, Royal Academy of Belgium, Rue Ducale 1
5:00 pm: Aurelio Peccei Lecture “Reinventing the Club of Rome”
June 21: Rome, Hotel Villa Pamphili, Salone del Papi, Via Della Nocetta 105
9:00 am: International Management Seminar
Lecture “2052 – eine globale Vorhersage”